The pin code 442003 belongs to Wardha district located in Maharashtra. There are a total of 4 Post Offices in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Cottom Market |
PINCODE: | 442003 |
District: | Wardha |
State: | (Maharashtra) |
Type: | Sub Office, Non-Delivery |
Postal region: | Nagpur |
Postal Division: | Wardha |
Postal Circle: | Maharashtra |
Address: | P.O. - Cottom Market, District- Wardha, maharashtra PIN CODE - 442003 |
Post Office Name: | Cotton Market |
PINCODE: | 442003 |
District: | Wardha |
State: | (Maharashtra) |
Type: | Sub Office, Non-Delivery |
Postal region: | Nagpur |
Postal Division: | Wardha |
Postal Circle: | Maharashtra |
Address: | P.O. - Cotton Market, District- Wardha, maharashtra PIN CODE - 442003 |
Post Office Name: | Hindinagar |
PINCODE: | 442003 |
District: | Wardha |
State: | (Maharashtra) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Nagpur |
Postal Division: | Wardha |
Postal Circle: | Maharashtra |
Address: | P.O. - Hindinagar, District- Wardha, maharashtra PIN CODE - 442003 |
Post Office Name: | Wardha Ganj |
PINCODE: | 442003 |
District: | Wardha |
State: | (Maharashtra) |
Type: | Sub Office, Non-Delivery |
Postal region: | Nagpur |
Postal Division: | Wardha |
Postal Circle: | Maharashtra |
Address: | P.O. - Wardha Ganj, District- Wardha, maharashtra PIN CODE - 442003 |
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442201 442302 442106 442202 442204 442101 442306 442303 442307 442304 442301 442203 444110 442102 442305 442001 442104 442110 442105 442006 442103 442005 442111
Akola Amravati Buldhana Washim Yavatmal Aurangabad Beed Hingoli Jalna Latur Nanded Osmanabad Parbhani Mumbai Raigad Ratnagiri Sindhudurg Thane Bhandara Chandrapur Gadchiroli Gondia Nagpur Wardha Ahmednagar Dhule Jalgaon Nandurbar Nashik Kolhapur Pune Sangli Satara Solapur
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