The pin code 605301 belongs to Villupuram district located in Tamil nadu. There are a total of 7 Post Offices in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Kanai |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Kanai, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Post Office Name: | Kappur |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kanai |
Head Post office: | Villupuram |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Kappur, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Post Office Name: | Kondangi |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kanai |
Head Post office: | Villupuram |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Kondangi, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Post Office Name: | Konur |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kanai |
Head Post office: | Villupuram |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Konur, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Post Office Name: | Nanndu |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
Taluka: | Viluppuram |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kanai |
Head Post office: | Villupuram |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Nanndu, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Post Office Name: | Orukodi |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
Taluka: | Viluppuram |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kanai |
Head Post office: | Villupuram |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Orukodi, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Post Office Name: | Perumbakkam |
PINCODE: | 605301 |
District: | Villupuram |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kanai |
Head Post office: | Villupuram |
Postal region: | Chennai Region |
Postal Division: | Pondicherry |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Perumbakkam, District- Villupuram, tamil nadu PIN CODE - 605301 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
604201 604202 604210 606202 606201 606204 606301 606207 606203 606306 606206 606107 607101 606208 606401 606402 605702 606205 604301 604207 604101 604302 604151 604303 605201 604203 604152 604001 604208 604304 604204 605111 604206 604205 604154 605109 604307 604102 605501 604306 605110 604305 604153 605652 605758 605701 607209 605803 605752 605755 605801 605751 605757 605754 605802 607203 605756 605759 607201 606102 606115 607107 606305 607202 607204 607207 606123 605101 605014 605016 605402 605103 605651 605202 605102 605108 605203 605401 605601 605502 605105 605302 605602 605107
Bank | IFSC | Address |
Indian Bank, Kanai | IDIB000K063 | Mambazhappattu Road Kanai Villupuram |
School | Address |
Vet Vidyaa Mandhir | Mambazhapattu Road |
Ariyalur Chennai Coimbatore Cuddalore Dharmapuri Dindigul Erode Kanchipuram Kanyakumari Karur Krishnagiri Madurai Nagapattinam Namakkal Nilgiris Perambalur Pudukkottai Ramanathapuram Salem Sivaganga Thanjavur Theni Thoothukudi Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tiruvallur Tiruvannamalai Tiruvarur Vellore Viluppuram Virudhunagar
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