The pin code 636014 belongs to Salem district located in Tamil nadu. There are a total of 2 Post Offices in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Kamaraj Nagar Colony |
PINCODE: | 636014 |
District: | Salem |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Coimbatore |
Postal Division: | Salem East |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Kamaraj Nagar Colony, District- Salem, Tamil nadu PIN CODE- 636014 |
Post Office Name: | Tadampatti |
PINCODE: | 636014 |
District: | Salem |
State: | (Tamil nadu) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kamaraj Nagar Colony |
Head Post office: | Salem |
Postal region: | Coimbatore |
Postal Division: | Salem East |
Postal Circle: | Tamilnadu |
Address: | P.O. - Tadampatti, District- Salem, Tamil nadu PIN CODE- 636014 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
636117 636141 636906 636108 636101 636107 636119 636102 636104 636109 636112 636114 636116 636138 636121 636115 636110 636306 636105 636113 636130 636118 621110 637101 637105 637102 637107 636501 636451 636404 636303 636453 636454 636403 636452 636458 636406 636401 636402 636001 636457 636456 636502 636503 636304 636351 636012 636455 636354 636309 636011 636305 636106 636122 636204 636308 636004 636016 636003 636307 636002 636139 636009 637501 636103 636302 636008 636006 636015 636201 636203 637502 636007 636005 637504 636140 636013 636010 636030 637103 637301 637303 637302 637104 637304 638183 636111 636602 636601
Bank | IFSC | Address |
Indian Overseas Bank, Udayapatti | IOBA0000953 | 377 By 2, Cuddalore Main Road, Holy Cross School 1 Gate, Udayapatti |
School | Address |
Kailash Maansarovar School | Kumaragiri Bye Pass, Near Udayapatty Power House, Ammapet Village, |
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