The pin code 676109 belongs to Malappuram district located in Kerala. There is only one Post Office in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Niramaruthur |
PINCODE: | 676109 |
Taluka: | Tirur |
District: | Malappuram |
State: | (Kerala) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Calicut |
Postal Division: | Tirur |
Postal Circle: | Kerala |
Address: | P.O. - Niramaruthur, District- Malappuram, kerala PIN CODE - 676109 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
673641 676123 676509 673637 673639 673638 673632 673647 676541 676521 679327 673645 676519 676122 676513 676121 673640 673644 676522 676505 673648 676514 673642 673649 676517 679339 673633 673634 676126 676127 673651 673652 676525 679332 679329 679334 679342 679328 679355 679331 679343 676523 679333 679344 676542 679330 679348 679354 679357 679322 679321 676504 679323 679325 679340 679326 679324 679338 676506 676507 679350 679352 679351 679585 679573 679594 679576 679580 679589 679575 679587 679579 679593 679586 679582 679584 679591 679581 679574 679578 679570 679577 679583 676102 676301 676310 676106 676110 676503 676561 676111 676510 676108 676501 676554 676552 679572 676103 676553 676551 676556 679571 676307 676562 676105 676528 679592 676313 676302 676502 679588 676107 676101 676557 676104 676305 676303 676312 673635 673636 676306 676304 676319 676508 673314 676318 676309 676311 676320 676515 673653 676315 676511 676308 676317
Bank | IFSC | Address |
Union Bank Of India, Niramaruthur | UBIN0915947 | Ground Floor W4378 D Grand Building Pathampad Niramaruthur Tirur Thaluk Malappuram District |
Alappuzha Ernakulam Idukki Kannur Kasargod Kollam Kottayam Kozhikode Malappuram Palakkad Pathanamthitta Thiruvananthapuram Thrissur Wayanad
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