The pin code 683104 belongs to Ernakulam district located in Kerala. There are a total of 3 Post Offices in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Kalamassery Development Plot |
PINCODE: | 683104 |
Taluka: | Kanayannur |
District: | Ernakulam |
State: | (Kerala) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kalamassery |
Head Post office: | Ernakulam |
Postal region: | Kochi |
Postal Division: | Ernakulam |
Postal Circle: | Kerala |
Address: | P.O. - Kalamassery Development Plot, District- Ernakulam, Kerala PIN CODE- 683104 |
Post Office Name: | Kalamassery |
PINCODE: | 683104 |
Taluka: | Kanayannur |
District: | Ernakulam |
State: | (Kerala) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Kochi |
Postal Division: | Ernakulam |
Postal Circle: | Kerala |
Address: | P.O. - Kalamassery, District- Ernakulam, Kerala PIN CODE- 683104 |
Post Office Name: | Rajagiri |
PINCODE: | 683104 |
Taluka: | Kanayannur |
District: | Ernakulam |
State: | (Kerala) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Kalamassery |
Head Post office: | Ernakulam |
Postal region: | Kochi |
Postal Division: | Ernakulam |
Postal Circle: | Kerala |
Address: | P.O. - Rajagiri, District- Ernakulam, Kerala PIN CODE- 683104 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
683579 683101 683581 683572 683573 683585 683577 683571 683102 683561 683564 683112 683574 683583 683575 683576 683562 683111 683565 683587 683589 683563 683584 683582 683593 683578 683105 683580 683106 683108 683586 680667 682021 682315 682313 682018 682033 682034 682027 682312 682037 682024 682026 682011 682035 682031 682016 682306 683503 682309 682020 682305 682030 683109 682017 682301 682022 682506 683501 682304 682314 682504 682307 682012 682025 682036 682015 682038 682039 682320 682032 682013 682023 682319 682028 682019 682008 682501 682510 682029 682006 682502 682503 682001 682004 682007 682511 682002 682507 682505 682509 682009 682508 683515 682005 682003 686692 686691 686671 686681 686666 686695 686693 686675 686698 683544 683541 683553 682303 682302 683545 683549 682308 683546 683548 682311 682310 683107 686689 683547 683550 683542 683543 683557 683556 683554 686667 686672 686677 686676 686662 686665 686673 686670 686664 686668 686663 682316 686726 686723 686669 686661 686721 686679 686730 686686 686674 686687 683511 683502 683512 683514 683594 683513 683516 683519 683518 683522 683524 683520 683110 683521 683517
Bank | IFSC | Address |
Bank Of Baroda, Kalamassery Branch | BARB0KALAMA | Kalamassery Branch, Road, kalamassery-, kerala., kalamassery., |
Csb Bank Limited, Kalamassery | CSBK0000252 | First Floor, Raina Complex, Premier Junction, Kalamassery - |
Icici Bank Limited, Kalamassery-kochi,kerala | ICIC0001159 | Icici Bank Ltd., Ward - 3, Door No.284 & 285, Rajagir Road, Kalamassery, Kochi - , Ernakulam Dist., Kerala. |
South Indian Bank, Kalamassery | SIBL0000224 | Donosra-43, Shanu Tower, Nh-47, Kalamassery Po, Ernakulam District, Kerala- |
State Bank Of India, Kalamasserymain | SBIN0070145 | Pbno102, municipalshoppingcomplex, kalamasserypokalamasserryatsbtcoin |
School | Address |
Rajagiri Public School | Rajagiri Po Kalamassery Ernakulam Dist Kerala |
Rajagiri International School | P.o Box - 62012, Al Warqa 1, Dubai, Uae |
Alappuzha Ernakulam Idukki Kannur Kasargod Kollam Kottayam Kozhikode Malappuram Palakkad Pathanamthitta Thiruvananthapuram Thrissur Wayanad
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