The pin code 689112 belongs to Pathanamthitta district located in Kerala. There are a total of 2 Post Offices in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Amichikary |
PINCODE: | 689112 |
Taluka: | Thiruvalla |
District: | Pathanamthitta |
State: | (Kerala) |
Type: | Branch Office, Delivery |
Sub Post office: | Chathankary |
Head Post office: | Tiruvalla |
Postal region: | Trivandrum HQ |
Postal Division: | Tiruvalla |
Postal Circle: | Kerala |
Address: | P.O. - Amichikary, District- Pathanamthitta, Kerala PIN CODE- 689112 |
Post Office Name: | Chathankary |
PINCODE: | 689112 |
Taluka: | Thiruvalla |
District: | Pathanamthitta |
State: | (Kerala) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Trivandrum HQ |
Postal Division: | Tiruvalla |
Postal Circle: | Kerala |
Address: | P.O. - Chathankary, District- Pathanamthitta, Kerala PIN CODE- 689112 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
691523 689648 689693 691556 691551 691555 691524 691526 691552 691553 689694 689711 689501 691530 689516 689502 691525 691554 689518 691528 690522 691529 689692 689649 689533 689123 689691 689671 689517 689650 689668 689643 689532 689703 689656 689625 689503 689514 689653 689641 689654 689644 689645 689646 689513 689678 689699 689519 689657 689507 689698 689534 689642 689122 689651 689647 689655 689652 689632 689659 689660 689560 689580 689586 689594 686547 689603 689583 689615 689543 689587 689545 689588 689584 689585 689561 689544 689596 689592 689589 689602 689554 689613 691561 689658 689500 691558 689674 689612 686510 689677 689664 689673 689663 689672 689614 689675 685533 689667 689616 689682 689679 689662 689661 686511 689665 689676 689666 689680 689681 689111 689104 689113 689611 689549 689103 689542 689557 689630 689102 689116 689105 689582 689620 689531 689541 689547 689581 689546 689548 689550 689553 689106 689591 689107 689578 689621 689629 689551 689626 689108 689110 689115 689101 689595 689114
Alappuzha Ernakulam Idukki Kannur Kasargod Kollam Kottayam Kozhikode Malappuram Palakkad Pathanamthitta Thiruvananthapuram Thrissur Wayanad
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