The pin code 713170 belongs to Bardhaman district located in West bengal. There is only one Post Office in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | Singerkone |
PINCODE: | 713170 |
District: | Bardhaman |
State: | (West bengal) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | South Bengal |
Postal Division: | Burdwan |
Postal Circle: | West Bengal |
Address: | P.O. - Singerkone, District- Bardhaman, west bengal PIN CODE - 713170 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
713321 713347 713376 713338 713301 713304 713325 713326 713302 713339 713310 713303 713373 713361 713334 713330 713315 713341 713359 713344 713401 713157 713154 713155 713402 713156 713501 713152 713158 713429 713125 713126 713432 713430 713127 713104 713103 713308 713160 713407 713162 713131 713518 713141 713143 713426 713144 713145 713419 713166 713165 713434 713520 713167 713168 713516 713346 713149 713169 713424 713171 713172 713173 713433 713121 713147 713428 713148 713101 713423 713406 713427 713421 713102 713142 713403 713377 713420 713214 713203 713215 713213 713204 713212 713216 713205 713201 713206 713208 713202 713210 713209 713211 713207 713219 713218 713217 713153 713128 713362 713375 713378 713332 713368 713336 713337 713342 713370 713384 713383 713122 713405 713409 713422 713512 713515 713123 713502 713129 713514 713130 713140 713360 713324 713367 713371 713333 713369 713343 713372 713381 713363 713408 713146 713124 713404 713151 713322 713380 713358 713323 713335 713331 713365 713364 713357
Bank | IFSC | Address |
Uco Bank, Singerkone | UCBA0000821 | Vill&po Singerkonedist Burdwan |
Bankura Bardhaman Birbhum East Medinipur Hooghly Purulia West Medinipur Cooch Behar Darjeeling Jalpaiguri Malda North Dinajpur South Dinajpur Howrah Kolkata Murshidabad Nadia North 24 Parganas South 24 Parganas
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