Mahe, Puducherry UT
Population of Mahe
Mahe district is located in Puducherry UT . Population of Mahe district is
41934 as per Census 2011. Mahe is
3th most Populous district out of total 4 districts in Puducherry UT and it is 634th most Populous district in India.The population density of Mahe is 4659 Persons per square Km.It is 1th most densely populated out of 4 districts in Puducherry UT and it is 15th most densely populated district out of total 640 districts in india.
Literacy rate of Mahe
Total Literacy rate of Mahe is 98.35%. This means 98.35 out of 100 persons of age more than 6 years are literate.
It is ranked 1 in terms of literacy rate out of total 4 districts of Puducherry UT and 634 out of total 640 districts of India. Male Literacy of Mahe is 99.24% while female literacy stands at 97.61%.
Note: Serchhip district(98.76%) in Mizoram has highest literacy rate and Alirajpur district(37.2%) of Madhya Pradesh has the lowest literacy rate in India.
Sex-Ratio of Mahe
Sex-ratio of Mahe is 1176 female per thousand male.
Note : Highest Sex-ratio of india is of Puducherry (1176) while lowest being from Daman district (533).
Note:All the details are as of Census 2011.
Area of Mahe
Area of Mahe is 9 Sq. Km. It is 4th largest district in Puducherry UT and 639th largest in India in terms of total area.
Note: Kutch district(45441 of Gujarat is the largest and Mahe district(9 sq km) of Puducherry is the smallest district in India.