Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh
Population of Mandsaur
Mandsaur district is located in Madhya Pradesh . Population of Mandsaur district is
1339832 as per Census 2011. Mandsaur is
26th most Populous district out of total 50 districts in Madhya Pradesh and it is 361th most Populous district in India.The population density of Mandsaur is 242 Persons per square Km.It is 19th most densely populated out of 50 districts in Madhya Pradesh and it is 441th most densely populated district out of total 640 districts in india.
Literacy rate of Mandsaur
Total Literacy rate of Mandsaur is 72.7%. This means 72.7 out of 100 persons of age more than 6 years are literate.
It is ranked 18 in terms of literacy rate out of total 50 districts of Madhya Pradesh and 361 out of total 640 districts of India. Male Literacy of Mandsaur is 86.8% while female literacy stands at 58.3%.
Note: Serchhip district(98.76%) in Mizoram has highest literacy rate and Alirajpur district(37.2%) of Madhya Pradesh has the lowest literacy rate in India.
Sex-Ratio of Mandsaur
Sex-ratio of Mandsaur is 966 female per thousand male.
Note : Highest Sex-ratio of india is of Puducherry (1176) while lowest being from Daman district (533).
Note:All the details are as of Census 2011.
Area of Mandsaur
Area of Mandsaur is 5535 Sq. Km. It is 29th largest district in Madhya Pradesh and 192th largest in India in terms of total area.
Note: Kutch district(45441 of Gujarat is the largest and Mahe district(9 sq km) of Puducherry is the smallest district in India.