Place : | Terakhongshangbi | PIN Code |
795133 |
District : | Bishnupur |
Tehsil/ Taluka : | |
State : | Manipur |
Latitude : | 24.44578 |
Longitude : | 93.78719 |
Nearest Railway : | Jiribam |
Nearest Airport: | Imphal Airport Imphal |
Khaidem iboyaima - this information is wrong. it is not terakhongshangbi it is terakhong. the real location of terakhongshangbi is between tronglaobi and kwakta. terakhongshangbi is under tronglaobi-terakhongshangbi gram panchyat and moirang assembly constituency its full address is terakhongshangbi po/ps: moirang district: bishnupur state:manipur country: india pin code:795133 but unfortunatly i can't find it on google map.
October 2, 2014