Place : | Lakudwadi | PIN Code |
416503 |
District : | Kolhapur |
Tehsil/ Taluka : | Gadhinglaj |
State : | Maharashtra |
Latitude : | 16.1127225 |
Longitude : | 74.336065 |
Nearest Railway : | Belgaum |
Nearest Airport: | Belagavi Airport Belgaum |
Vikas S. More - lakudwadi is 13 km from gadhinglaj. it has population about 1500-1600. it has temples such as chaloba temple (gramdaivat) which is situated outside village near hill n jungle, mahalaxmi, vitthal-rukmini temples. it got 'sant gadgebaba gramswatchata abhiyan' award. it has bus stand outside from village(1km). it has popular 'lakudwadi ghat' which is under p.w.d. raj marg-187. main language speak here is marathi.every year villagers celebrate 'gramdaivat-chaloba jatra'. most young boys went to cities for jobs. most people has adiction of alcohol. there is no facilities such as medical & hotels.
January 2, 2015
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