The pin code 801507 belongs to Patna district located in Bihar. There is only one Post Office in this Pin Code.
Post Office Name: | AIIMS |
PINCODE: | 801507 |
District: | Patna |
State: | (Bihar) |
Type: | Sub Office, Delivery |
Postal region: | Patna HQ |
Postal Division: | Patna |
Postal Circle: | Bihar |
Address: | P.O. - AIIMS, District- Patna, bihar PIN CODE - 801507 |
Double click on the map above to get zoomed view of the area of this zip code.
803211 803212 803218 803110 803213 803214 801101 801109 801108 801103 801501 800111 801113 801503 801112 801502 801506 801105 800012 804452 801304 803306 803302 811104 804453 804454 804451 800007 803303 803301 811302 801110 801102 801104 804426 803307 803221 803202 803204 803203 803201 801505 801117 801118 800002 800025 800020 800001 800022 800026 800017 800014 800004 800018 800009 800019 800008 800011 803206 800003 800024 800023 800016 800006 800027 800013 800015 800005 800010 800021
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